Saturday 2 April 2011

AAFA Lists International Restricted Substances while Nike honors Cheech & Chong

The American Apparel and Footwear Association has compiled a list of laws and regulations that apply to products and substances used in the manufacturing of apparel and footwear products. These regulations can be used by industry personnel to in order to meet the law requirements of various countries while also possibly providing the necessary means by which to increase environmental protection awareness globally.

Meanwhile, Nike will soon be releasing a skater shoe in honor of Cheech & Chong. Although there is a correlation between a relatively high percentage of marijuana smokers and people who enjoy activities such as skateboarding, rollerblading, etc., I am not sure that I agree with Nike, an athletic apparel & footwear associations, deciding to honor two people associated with pot smoking. Irregardless of one's stance on the legality of marijuana, any athletic company that appears to support things that are contraindicative of good health just seems a bit ethically wrong.

In other news:-Pakistan's fashion week seems to have showcased up & coming designers in the area, but still needs more time and development before it rivals other international fashion weeks, such as those held in Turkey, France, Italy, and the US.

-Marc Jacob's ex-COO has filed a lawsuit against Marc Jacob's president for creating a "discriminatory enivornment".

-American Apparel may be forced to file bankruptcy soon.

What impact may Japan have on international apparel and textile market? Click here for the link to the just-style article.

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